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The Department and its individual units offer a wide range of courses and workshops. Cochrane Austria organizes a series of workshops that annually take place either in Krems or Vienna and impart important evidence-based medicine competences. In addition, workshops are held in cooperation with Cochrane Germany and Cochrane Switzerland and annually offered in one of these countries. Most courses are conducted in German.
Evidenzbasierte Antworten zu Anfragen aus der Klinik
EbN - Information Centre for Nurses
Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health.
Medizin Transparent - Wissen was stimmt
The publications of the medical scientist and epidemiologist are significant and influential in his field
The specialist in evidence-based medicine and evaluation has a significant influence in his field
The Department for Evidence-based Medicine and Evaluation is a center collaborating with the World Health Organization
Two companies have unsuccessfully sued the research platform, Medizin Transparent, located at Danube University Krems
Danube University Krems and NÖGUS organized the 6th EUFEP Congress held on 16 January at Perchtoldsdorf Castle
Academic Associate - Department for Evidence-based Medicine and Evaluation
Academic Associate - Center for Evidence-based Health Services Research
Head of Centre for Evidence-based Health Services Research - Center for Evidence-based Health Services Research
Research Associate - Center for E-Governance