Architekt Dipl.-Ing. Dr techn. Markus Swittalek
Course Director - Center for Architectural Heritage and Infrastructure
+43 2732 893-5486
To contact form
Campus Krems, Tract B, 2nd Floor, B 2.216
- University for Continuing Education Krems
- Center for Architectural Heritage and Infrastructure
- Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
- 3500 Krems
- Austria
About the person
Markus P. Swittalek is an Austrian architect and CEO of moment-home Real Estate Solutions, founded in 2002. This company is focused on design and construction in historic environments, building preservation, protection of cultural property and consulting on UNSECO-World Heritage Sites. He studied at the Vienna University of Technology, Vienna/Austria and the RWTH Aachen University (Rheinländisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule), Aachen/Germany. Since 2021 he is course director of the postgraduate master studies program Renovation and Revialization at the Department Building and Environment at the Danube University Krems. He is teacher at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna / Austria and teaches and lectures at universities in Europe, North America and Asia.
As Liaison Officer PCP (Protection of Cultural Property) he is expert at National Defense Academy of the Austrian Armed forces, Vienna/Austria. He is member of the Austrian National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), associated board member of the Austrian National Committee of the Blue Shield as well as member or board member numerous other organizations. Furthermore, he is the chairman of the Interdisciplinary Committee for Historic Buildings at the Austrian Chamber of Architects and Civil Engineers.
His intense publishing activities reach from monographies to essays and periodic articles in recognized journals. Lately the handbook Civil Engineer Code was edited, written by Markus Swittalek and a judge at the Vienna Administrative Court of Vienna/Austria – albert Oppel. His book is dedicated to building codes and the preservation rights act in particular.
The goal of Markus Swittalek’s teaching is to convey a broad understanding of the complexity of renovation and revitalization. It all starts with the analyzes and searching for the so-called melody of a building structure. Instead of old houses he refers to historic buildings and he appreciates them. He emphasizes the sustainability of historic houses and its importance in regard of its low overall energy balance and its soft ecological footprint. He connects the past with the future – putting one specific building type into the spotlight: The Grunderzeithaus.
Publications (Extract Research Database)
Swittalek Markus (2022). Das Gründerzeithaus - Bewahren. Bewirtschaften. Restaurieren. Verlagsbuchhandlung Kral GmbH, Berndorf
Fedor, P.; Homola, A.; Kacetl, J.; Kroupa, P.; Mattes, W.K.; Schicht, P.; Svoboda, F.; Swittalek, M. (2021). Bedeutung des kulturellen Erbes. Universität für Weiterbildung Krems, Zentrum für Baukulturelles Erbe, Krems
Swittalek Markus; Oppel Albert (2021). Ziviltechnikerrecht. Linde Verlag, Wien
COL - Conference 1 (2021). Wie schützt der Denkmalschutz? Was erlaubt der Denkmalschutz? die Zukunft rüsten. In: Význam kulturníbo dedictví – Bedeutung des Kulturellen Erbes: 158-172, COL - Conference 1, Krems
Wieshaider Wolfgang (2020). Bauen im Historischen Bestand - historische Architektur erhalten und für die Zukunft rüsten. In: Wolfgang Wieshaider, (ed.), Veränderung und Verfahrenskoordination zwischen Denkmalschutz- und Baurecht: 39-48, Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandlung AG, Wien
Rohrbach Wolfgang (2019). Das Gründerzeithaus. In seiner Architektur erhalten. Für die Zukunft rüsten. In: Das europäische Kulturerbe im Spiegel der Assekuranz, Teil 2: 276-321, Tronic dizajn, Belgrad
Cerny Karl, Horn Sonia (2018). Construction of a Healthy Society: Design and the Built Environment to Improve Health, Healing and Well-Beeing during the Rule of the Habsburg Emperor Joseph II. In: Plague between Prague and Vienna: 231-276, Academia publishing house, Prag
Swittalek Markus (2016). Kasernen in Österreich - Baudenkmale und Zeugnisse unserer Vergangenheit. Schriftreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie, Wien
Swittalek Markus (2014). Das Josephinium - Aufklärung. Klassizismus. Zentrum der Medizin. Republik Österreich, Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Sport, Wien
Horn Sonia, Ablogin Alexander (2012). Josephinischer Klassizismus. In: Faszination Josephinium: 51-84, Verlagshaus der Ärzte, Wien
Lectures (Extract Research Database)
Sanierung und Revitalisierung. Historische Gebäude - langlebig und reparaturfähig.
Informationsveranstaltung, 06/11/2023
Kaiser Joseph II - Kaiser und Revolutionär
Informationsveranstaltung, 06/06/2023
Das Gründerzeithaus - langlebig und reparaturfähig
Wiener Sanierungstage 2023 ÖIAV, 04/05/2023
Das Gründerzeithaus - Sanierung mit Bedacht
9. Haus- und Wohnungseigentümertag des Zentralverbandes Haus und Eigentum, 21/04/2023
Protection of Cultural Property in Austria
DigiKult_2023, 19/04/2023