
04/04/2017, 17:30 - 18:30

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Donau Universität Krems SE 1.5

max number of participants 20

Women and Stroke - Special Lecture


                                    Prof. Valeria Caso

Valeria Caso, is a stroke neurologist at the University of Perugia Stroke Unit, Italy and has been recently certified in the role of associate professor in Neurology.

She is visiting professor in the University of Belgrade.
She is president of the European Stroke Organisation (ESO).

She is currently working for an European Stroke Project “ESO-EAST” “Enhancing and Accelerating Stroke Treatment” which aims to establish a 5-year collaboration with selected physicians from Eastern countries, in order to optimise and implement Stroke Care best practices in these countries and share know-how.

She has authored and co-authored more than 200 published papers and book-chapters.

She has been involved in 20 multicentre trials serving in various positions including steering committees. She is currently actively involved in international research projects on cervical artery dissections, heart and brain, intracerebral haemorrhage, and acute stroke treatment. She has made primary interest the treatment and prevention of stroke in women and working on stroke guidelines in women.

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