Albert Treytl

About the person

Albert Treytl is senior researcher in the area of communication technologies and security. He received his master degree with distinction in electrical engineering (focus on computer technology) at the Vienna University of Technology in 2001. His research focuses on security and communication for resource limited embedded networked devices in distributed systems and IoT.

From 1996 to 2000 he led the development of a bank simulation software for a continuing education network of the Austrian government.

Starting in 2000 he worked at the Institute of Computer Technology at the Vienna University of Technology as a research assistant in the area of building control, energy management systems and security. His focus was on security of automation networks such as field busses and wireless ad-hoc networks. The topics of his research projects included web-based interfacing of energy management systems, electronic payment, smart card application development and research, and smart grid security measures.

2006 he joined the Austrian Academy of Sciences where he lead a working group on the security and vertical integration. During this time he co-developed an architecture of an agent-based distributed manufacturing execution system including a complete FIPA compliant agent platform hosted on an active RFID supporting full security and continued his work on Smart Grid Security, e.g. in DLC+ VIT4IP (FP7). Additionally, he investigated the security of clock synchronization systems.

Since 2013 he is head of the Center for Distributed Systems and Sensor Networks and deputy head of the Department for Integrated Sensor Systems at the University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems). His research is dealing with distributed data management and data processing in sensor networks and the integration of sensor systems. This comprises securing sensor networks, distributed energy optimization in industrial and office buildings as well as integration of sensors in intelligent traffic systems. Recent research is on digital twins, embedded intelligence and applications of AI methods for model predictive control strategies, e.g. for ventilative cooling or demand side management.

He is author of more than 100 peer reviewed scientific publications and leader of multiple national and international projects. Aside this, he is engaged in various technical committees (IEEE, CEN TC 247 WG4, IEEE1588 standardisation), scientific conferences and is co-lecturer at the Vienna University of Technology.

Projects (Extract Research Database)

Running projects

Correlated Analysis System for in-vivo Inspection of Semiconductor Process Wafers

Duration: 01/04/2022–01/05/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Roman Beigelbeck
Funding: FFG

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KI4HVACS - Energy efficiency optimization of HVAC systems through predictive algorithms and modeling using machine learning

Duration: 01/04/2022–28/05/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG

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Dynamically Optimizing the Allocation of e-cars to Charging Sites

Duration: 01/02/2022–31/03/2025
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Hermann Kaindl
Funding: FFG

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Factories4Renewables – Optimizing industrial production processes for supply with 100% renewable energy

Duration: 01/04/2021–29/02/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG

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Dataskop – Sensor-Based Data Economy

Duration: 01/03/2020–28/02/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Development of normative calculation approaches for passive ventilative night cooling strategies - utilisation of brick storage masses

Duration: 01/01/2020–31/12/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Markus Winkler
Funding: FFG

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Community Flexibility in Regional and Local Energy Systems

Duration: 01/09/2019–28/02/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thilo Sauter
Funding: FFG
Program: Energieforschungsprogramm

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Electronic Horizons in Roadside Infrastructure using Digital Twins

Duration: 01/01/2019–31/12/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program: Technologieförderung NÖ

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Completed projects

Intelligente Dienste und IoT Konnektivität für Gemeinden im ländlichen Raum

Duration: 01/10/2022–30/06/2024
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thomas Lampoltshammer
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Attack Resilience for IoT-Based Sensor Devices in Home Automation

Duration: 01/11/2019–28/02/2023
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Thilo Sauter
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)

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Digitial Innovation Hub East - Digital Transformation for SME in Austria

Duration: 01/09/2019–30/08/2022
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG

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CoolAIR - Predictive control of natural nighttime ventilation and daylight-optimized shading for passive building cooling.

Duration: 01/01/2018–31/12/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Daniela Trauninger
Funding: FFG
Program: Stadt der Zukunft

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Innovative Multidisciplinary Curriculum in Artificial Implants for Bio-Engineering BSc and MSc Degrees

Duration: 15/10/2017–14/10/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: EU
Program: ERASMUS+

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Localization by directional antennas in industrial Internet of Things

Duration: 01/01/2019–30/09/2021
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program: nfb

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Trustworthy loT for Cyber-Physical-Systems

Duration: 01/12/2017–31/12/2020
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG
Program: IKT der Zukunft

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Optimization of building energy efficiency through model-based energy flow analysis with non-invasive sensors

Duration: 01/10/2016–31/12/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG
Program: Stadt der Zukunft

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Countermeasures for unmanned aerial vehicles for authorities and emergency and rescue organizations

Duration: 01/12/2016–30/06/2019
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: FFG
Program: KIRAS

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Smart Traffic Light - Sensors as Enablers for an Intelligent Intersection

Duration: 01/09/2016–31/12/2018
Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems): Albert Treytl
Funding: Bundesländer (inkl. deren Stiftungen und Einrichtungen)
Program: FTI Programm LNÖ

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Publications (Extract Research Database)

Berger, A.; Franzl, G.; Bratukhin, A.; Treytl, A. (2024). Energy goes ICT. E+I, Februar 2024, iss. 3-4: 1

Franzl, G.; Bratukhin, A.; Treytl, A. (2024). Nutze Erneuerbare Energie, wenn sie zur Verfügung steht. Newsletter OVE Informationstechnik, Februar 2024:

Mandl, M.; Janisch, K.; Treytl, A.; Bigler, T.; Kondapuram, A.; De-Jesus-Oliveira, V.-A. (2024). Digitizing data in rural applications and making them visible. 2024 Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, Krems, Vol. 1: 1-6

Treytl, A.; Winkler, M.; Kollmann, S. (2024). CoolAir - Automatisierung von Fensterlüftung und Sonnenschutz zur Gebäudekühlung. In: Holzforschung Austria Schriftenreihe, Proceedings in Tagungsband Fenstertürentreff der Holzforschung Austria 2024: 18-25, Holzforschung Austria Schriftenreihe, Band 80, Salzburg

Sauter, T.; Treytl, A. (2023). IoT-Enabled Sensors in Automation Systems and Their Security Challenges. IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 7, no. 12: 1-4

Huber, E.; Treytl, A.; Sauter, T.; Routsalainen, H.; Pospisil, B; Kieseberg, P.; Seböck W. (2023). Wie Smart Home Geräte zur Eintrittsfalle für Kriminelle werden können. In: Kriminologische Gesellschaft, Kriminalität und Kriminologie im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung: 131-148, Forum Verlag Godesberg, Mönchengladbach

Kondapuram, A. R.; Treytl, A.; Ruotsalainen, H.; Sauter, T. (2023). Metadata Enhanced Security Watermarks for Sensor Data Protection. In: IEEE, proceedings in 2023 IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON): 1-3, IEEE, Indien

Kondapuram, A. R.; Treytl, A.; Survaiya, S. P.; Sauter, T. (2023). Watermark Based Sensor Data Protection System for Wireless Sensor Network. In: IEEE, proceedings in 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN): 1-8, IEEE, Lemgo

Bratukhin, A.; Franzl, G.; Karameti, D.; Treytl, A.; Sauter, T. (2022). Probability-based, Risk-adjusted Energy Consumption Optimisation in Industrial Applications. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA): 1-8, IEEE, Stuttgart

Luengo, D.; Treytl, A.; Nestawal, S.; Arras, P.; Korniejenko, K.; Tabunshchyk, G.; Trigano, T. (2022). Improving Quality of Life Through Engineering Education. A Case Study. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 2022 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS): 190-195, IEEE, Bilbao

Pospisil, B.; Sauter, T.; Treytl, A.; Huber, E.; Seböck, W. (2022). Totally Unnecessary" or "Simply Convenient" – About Users and Non-Users of Voice Assistants. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 2022 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI): 1-7, IEEE, Melbourne

Pospisil, B.; Sauter, T.; Treytl, A.; Huber, E.; Seböck, W. (2022). Cyber Security at Home - What Really Matters to People. In: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2022: 1208 - 1213, IEEE, Anchorage

Sauter, T.; Cerimovic, S.; Treytl, A.; Mehofer, F.; Schober, E.; Rinsche, S. (2022). Use of Data Analytics to Detect Loose Temperature Sensors in Harsh Environments. In: IEEE, 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE): 982-985, IEEE, Anchorage

Treytl, A.; Kondapuram, A. R.; Sauter, T.; Ruotsalainen, H. (2022). Comprehensive Analysis of Supply Voltage Watermarking for Protection of Sensor Systems. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA): 1-8, IEEE, Stuttgart

Vogl, L.; Sauter, T.; Treytl, A.; Bigler, T. (2022). Work in Progress: Side-Channel Watermarking for LoRaWAN Using Robust Inter-Packet Timing: An experimental approach. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS): 1-4, IEEE, Pavia

Weissbacher, M.; Sauter, T.; Bigler, T.; Treytl, A. (2022). The Effect of Carrier Mismatch on RSS Ranging and Localization. In: IEEE, 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS): 1-8, IEEE, Pavia

Stenzl, R.; Wilker, S.; Sauter, T.; Nagy, A.; Bigler, T.; Treytl, A.; (2021). Radio map upscaling - adding antennas in an indoor localization scenario. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ), 2021: 1-4, IEEE, Vasteras, Schweden

Bratukhin, A.; Treytl, A.; Howind, S.; Estaji, A.; Sauter, T. (2021). Integrating uncertainty of available energy in manufacturing planning. In: IEEE, Proceedings in 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ), 2021: 1-4, IEEE, Vasteras, Schweden

Cerimovic, S.; Sauter, T.; Treytl, A.; Stachl, R.; Binder, J.; Basic, P.; Mehofer, F.; Schober, E.; Rinsche, S. (2021). Optimal Placement of Fiber Optic Sensors for Deposit Growth Monitoring in Process Furnaces. In: IEEE, Proceedings of IEEE 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE): 10.1109/ISIE45552.2021.9576302, IEEE, Kyoto, Japan

Huber, E.; Pospisil, B.; Seböck, W.; Kieseberg, P.; Treytl, A. (2021). Smart Home – Nutzung der Geräte in Österreich und Aspekte der Sicherheit und Regulation der Datensammlung. In: Tagungsband des Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2021: 10.38023/f11f6dc3-fe63-4f6c-8943-f5e12bcf0a90, Jusletter IT, online

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Lectures (Extract Research Database)

Differences in Focus on Cybersecurity in Smart Home Devices between Research and Practice

Konferenz DeepSec 2024, 22/11/2024

KI-gestützte Cybercrime-Attacken und neue Herausforderungen für die Forschung

2. Konferenz der Cyberkriminologie, 11/07/2024

CoolAir - Automatisierung von Fensterlüftung und Sonnenschutz zur Gebäudekühlung

Fenstertürentreff 2024 der Holzforschung Austria, 07/03/2024

Automatisierung von Fensterlüftung und Sonnenschutz zur Gebäudekühlung

Kongress der Holzforschung Österreich 2024, 07/03/2024

Resiliente Kühlung mittels Model Predictive Control

Österreichischer Energieeffizienzkongress, 05/10/2022

Watermarking for Protection of Sensor Systems

Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 08/09/2022

Model Predictive Control (MPC) Die Lösung zum Speichermassenmanagement?

BauZ 2022- Wiener Kongress für zukunftsfähiges Bauen, 12/05/2022

Model Predictive Control (MPC) als Instrument optimierter Nachtkühlung

Forum Building Science 2022, 06/05/2022

Vom Sensor zum Sensorsystem

Robotics Talk Niederösterreich- Anwendungsgebiete für die Robotik, 28/04/2022

Sicherheitsaspekte von HAS: Risiken für österreichische Haushalte

IT-SecX, 01/10/2021

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