
Die Lebenserwartung steigt und mit ihr der Bedarf an professioneller Langzeitpflege. Intelligente Anpassungen der Ressourcen sind daher gefragt. Es werden fundierte und kritische Analysen benötigt, die für den Bereich der institutionellen Langzeitpflege in Europa kaum vorhanden sind. An der Donau-Universität Krems werden derzeit Daten für die Situation in Tschechien und Österreich erhoben. Das Projekt wird vom Wissenschaftsfonds FWF und der tschechischen Partnerorganisation GACR gefördert. Der Fokus liegt auf Personen mit Demenz, die einer besonders intensiven Pflege und Begleitung bedürfen.

Der Wissenschaftsfonds FWF

Marc Seumenicht
Haus der Forschung
Sensengasse 1
1090 Wien
T +43 / 1 / 505 67 40 - 8111
E marc.seumenicht@fwf.ac.at
W http://www.fwf.ac.at


Life expectancy is rising – as is the need for professional long-term care. The care services currently being provided barely meet the existing demand. Therefore, the available resources need to be adapted intelligently. This is the only way, affordable services of sufficient quality can continue to be provided in the future. In-depth and critical analyses are needed as an evidence base for the required adaptation of the existing system, and very few of these are currently available on institutional long-term care in Europe. As part of a project that is being carried out at Danube University Krems in cooperation with the Charles University in Prague and the MAS Alzheimerhilfe, a patient/carer organization in Upper Austria, epidemiological data on the care situation in the Austria and the Czech Republic are now being collected for the first time. The Project is being funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF and the GACR in the Czech Republic – FWF being the lead agency – and focuses on the situation of persons with dementia who require particularly intensive support.



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