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University for Continuing Education Krems
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Since November 2017 cooperation with Prof. Christoph Bläsi - initially supported by the Johannes Gutenberg University (Research Funding Level I) - on the project "Culinary Knowledge: Appropriation and Preservation 1950-1980". Further supporter of the project is “mainzed”, the Mainz Centre for Digitality in the Humanities and Cultural Studies.
The project "Zeitreise Tabakfabrik" (time travel tobacco factory) represents the implementation of a “Blended Spaces”- mediation concept. Today Danube University Krems resides in the tobacco factory Stein, whose historical development became part of the project.
The project “Monument! Memorable?! Residents of Krems in search of their memorable women "DenkMAL! DenkWÜRDIG?! KremserInnen auf der Suche nach ihren denkwürdigen Frauen“ Thoughtworthy?! has been scientifically monitored and is an integral part of the action series “space researchers” (“RAUMFORSCHERINNEN”). Currently five streets, one square in the city of Krems are named after women and a monument and three commemorative plaques refer to female memorabilia as well.