

The aim of the project PopUpUrbanSpaces, based on the call for proposals Cooperating for a greener central Europe SO 2.5: Greening urban mobility in central Europe INTERREG is within 3 years (2023-2025) to draw attention to overlooked and one-sidedly used spaces and to demonstrate actions that show new design and organisation possibilities in a public space. This project is developed together with partners from Slovenia (lead), Poland, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Hungary and Austria - knowledge providers (4 different institutions) and city pilot partners (different small towns). "Pop-up" demonstration projects - e.g. temporary measures such as cycle paths, protected crossings, pedestrian crossings, parklets, street cafés, squares, benches, street trees and more - are valuable instruments to achieve "short-term measures for long-term change". Thus, especially in the sensitive and sometimes controversial area of zones reserved for cars in urban areas, a reclamation for cycling and pedestrian traffic can be stimulated and experimentally explored. Tactile urbanism is used to experiment on many levels. This can be addressing the following challenges: - Most of the typical measures of tactile urban ism are related to environmental problems - better walkability and bikeability, reduction of car traffic and thus air and noise pollution, increase of green spaces in the city. - Citizens work together to address the challenges of the city, which can improve social life and strengthen the community. - The experimental character allows for testing ideas and designs, reflecting on user behaviour, and making tactile urbanism part of the public planning process and linking it with self-initiatives. Through the joint development of workshops and temporary realisations, among other things: - identify obstacles to allowing certain temporally and spatially newly regulated (e.g. delivery) organisation of traffic - also of stationary traffic - and thus to gain the use of open spaces - to strengthen a good base for cooperation with interested contact persons from business and city administration - evaluate and document positive reactions to temporary measures to be able to build on these experiences: how can place-making initiatives in public space become more attractive, how can these measures be communicated accordingly to achieve a broader acceptance for them?


Duration 01/03/2023 - 28/02/2026
Funding EU
Logo - European Union

Department for Building and Environment

Center for Climate Engineering

Center for Environmental Sensitivity

Principle investigator for the project (University for Continuing Education Krems) Mag. Stefanie Kotrba
Project members



Außenräume als Orte des Lernens

Pint of Science Krems, 13/05/2024

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