
The End User e-Skills Framework Requirements project aims to survey the requirements for a proposed digital end-user e-Skills framework for use by industry, certifying organisations, regulatory authorities, and individuals. The project aims to assist in having an effective understanding of end user e-Skills and to propose practical tools from such a reference framework. The project, which is funded by the European Commission, is part of the CEN / ISSS Workshop on ICT Skills, a European work group consisting of both national and international representatives from the ICT industry, vocational training organisations, social partners and other institutions. The workshop aims to create long-term human resources (HR) and competence development solutions for the European Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.


Projektzeitraum 07.04.2009 - 30.09.2010
Fördergeber Sonstige

Department für E-Governance in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung


Leitner, C.; Farren, N.; Dolan D.; Berlin, W. (2010). End User Skills for the Digital Society. eGovernment Review, Nr. 6: 16-17

Farren, N.; Dolan, D.; Berlin, W.; Leitner, C. (2010). Survey of end user e-skills framework requirements. Leitner, Christine; Haase, Marleen; Makolm, Josef; Traunmüller, Roland, Eastern European e|Gov Days 2010. Unleashing the Potential of e-Government: Beyond Simple Patterns of Electronic Service Delivery: 41-56


End-User e-Skills Framework Requirements Project

Eastern European e|Gov Days 2010, 23.04.2010

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