Severe Perioperative Bleeding

   About the app

Management of severe perioperative bleeding app is designed exclusively for medical doctors responsible for the management of patients before, during and after major surgery or in the emergency of severe bleeding. This app is intended to assist medicinal users as a crises checklist in the management of severe bleeding events around surgery with a relevant risk for coagulopathic bleeding.

Always consult your physician before making medical decisions.


Regional Anaesthesia

Bild für Symbol   About the app

Bleeding is a potential complication after neuraxial and peripheral nerve blocks. The risk is increased in

patients on antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs. This joint guideline from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia aims to provide an evidence-based set of recommendations and suggestions on how to reduce the risk of antithrombotic drug-induced haematoma formation related to the practice of regional anaesthesia and analgesia.


App-Icon Hüftfraktur



Über diese App

Die Hüftfraktur App ausschließlich für Ärztinnen und Ärzte gemacht, die zuvor oral antikoagulierte Patientinnen und Patienten mit einer hüftnahen Fraktur behandeln. Die Hüftfraktur App soll den ärztlichen Usern im Sinne einer Crisis Checklist helfen, Patientinnen und Patienten zeitnahe auf die operative Versorgung der Fraktur vorzubereiten, sowie Blutungen durch Gerinnungshemmer vermeiden und behandeln.

  • Vitamin K-Antagonisten [VKA]
  • Direkte Thrombininhibitoren [DTI]
  • Direkte Faktor Xa-Inhibitoren [DXA]
  • Antiplättchentherapie