Am 22. April 2021 veranstaltete das Department für Migration und Globalisierung das Interdisciplinary Migration Research Seminar zum Thema "Reintegration: Conceptual and Policy Reflections" online über Zoom.
Keynote: Dr. Katie Kuschminder, Assistenz Professor an der UNU-MERIT, Maastricht Universität.
Since the 1990s there has been a significant rise in the criminalization of migration with increasing numbers of deportations from destinationstates. This has led to a fundamental change in reintegration experiences for origin countries from previous decades of retirement and labour returnees, to now having large populations of forced and so-called voluntary returnees. Reintegration has shiftedand become increasingly politicized over the past two decades. Whereas previously reintegration was an adaptation process of merging two cultural ways of being and finding belonging, today, reintegration is a critical issue of marginalization, social exclusion,poverty and vulnerability for rising numbers of returnees that return unexpectedly or to nothing. Reintegration processes and policies have thus taken on a new importance in assisting returnees to become members of society. This presentation will discuss this change in reintegration policies and practices and critically examine current reintegration policies and approaches.
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