Assembly Beyond Borders Speakers
Philippa Hardman
Elmar Kutsch
Susanna Leong
Speaker 2023
National University of Singapore
Unlocking potential through micro-credentials
Helga Nowotny
Speaker 2023
European Research Council
Train for certainty, educate for uncertainty - but how?
Séamus Ó Tuama
Speaker 2023
University College Cork
Taking forward perspectives on reflexivity in learning: five capitals
Thierry Koscielniak
Speaker 2022
Toward metaversité - is it possible to teach and learn as an avatar?
Markus Marti
Speaker 2022
ZHAW School of Engineering
The power of stackable degrees and modularization - concept, examples and success factors
Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl
Daniela Trani
Speaker 2022
YUFE Alliance
The unpaved path towards a European University - from dream to reality
Susan Grajek
George Iwama
Speaker 2021
Quest University
Reimagining higher education - Quest University, an innovative approach to education
Antonio Loprieno
Speaker 2021
European Federation of Academies of Science and Humanities
Continuing education as an institutional USP
Jörg Schubert
Speaker 2021
Defining the skills citizens will need in the future world of work
Betty Vandenbosch
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Die von den Referent_innen zur Verfügung gestellten Bilder unterliegen ihrem persönlichen Urheberrecht. Seitens der Referent_innen wurden keine abweichenden Angaben zur Urheberschaft oder zu anderweitigen Rechten Dritter gemacht.