The kick-off meeting of the project HRMinHEI (Modernisation of Higher Education Institutions through enhancement of Human Resources Management function) co-funded by the Erasmus + programme, was held on 24 October 2016 at the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE).
ASHE is the projecleader in partnership with higher education institutions from Croatia and Europe: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka and College Algebra from Croatia, Danube University Krems from Austria and the University of Tampere from Finland.
The project started in September 2016 and it will last until September 2018. The purpose of the project is the strengthening of Human Resources Management in higher education institutions and the development of innovative self-assessment tools for benchmarking Human Resources Management.
General objectives of the project are: to improve the organizational efficiency and effectiveness of HEIs as well as to increase their global competitiveness; to encourage and improve higher education institutions' contribution to economic growth and social development by enhancing the quality of human capital development in higher education; to stimulate excellence of European HEIs staff and cooperation with the European Higher Education Area.
The project outputs will be documents and tools that will benefit not only the project partners, but also higher education institutions throughout the entire European Higher Education Area:
- Review of national policies on Human Resources Management in European higher education;
- Online self-assessment tool as Open Educational Resources (OER) for the purpose of a systematic evaluation and benchmarking of Human Resources Management at European higher education institutions;
- Documented Human Resources Management processes developed at HEIs – partners in the project – as a model for other higher education institutions;
- Guidelines for the development of the Human Resources Management in HEIs in Croatia, Austria and Finland.
HRMinHEI project complements the main determinants of the Erasmus + programme and the EU Modernization Agenda for Higher Education adopted in 2011.
Florian Reisky, M.A. MA