The global need for blood transfusions is increasing due to the growing numbers of surgical procedures with enlarged bleeding risk and accompanying therapies in tumor diseases. Patient Blood Management is a concept strongly recommended by the World Health Organization to be implemendted by all Member States in order to avoid unnecessary blood transfusions by utilizig the patient's own reserves. PBM is an interdisciplinary cross-sectoral, multi-modal and, in particular, patient-oriented bundle concept aimed at the appropriate reduction of transfusion rates in large surgeries and oncological diseases and aimed to the reduction of transfusion-associated complications and costs both in short-term and long-term perspectives.

Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sibylle Langenecker, MBA
Scientific director of the seminars Perioperative Bleeding Management/ Patient Blood Management

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Reducing risks, improving outcomes: The benefits of Patient Blood Management
Gerinnungsrunde 2.0
Die Gerinnungsrunde 2.0 ist eine neue Weiterbildungsserie mit DFP- Punkten der Universität für Weiterbildung Krems zum Blutungsmanagement in verschiedenen klinischen Settings unter der Moderation von Prim.a Univ.- Sibylle Langenecker, MBA.
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