
Am 02. September 2022 veranstaltet das Department für Migration und Globalisierung den Workshop "Surveying refugees and hard-to-reach populations in Europe and beyond: Comparing lessons learned"  online über Zoom.



Conducting survey research with IDPs, asylum-seekers, and refugees often presents a challenge given their high mobility, their (legal) vulnerability, and cultural and linguistic differences, resulting in under-coverage and non-response. Surveying IDPs and refugees close to conflict areas is even more challenging because of the security context for participants and researchers alike. The workshop seeks to bring together researchers who have conducted single-country, cross-national and/or longitudinal survey research among migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees in Europe, Africa and the Middle East in various projects over the past years. The objective of the workshop is to provide an open space to present survey designs and fieldwork observations and discuss lessons learned and recommendations for designing longitudinal cross-national surveys with asylum-seekers, refugees and forced migrants in Europe and beyond in the future.


SprecherInnen und ModeratorInnen:

  • Albert Kraler (Danube University Krems)
  • Benjamin Etzold (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies)
  • Chloe Sydney (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre)
  • Christina Khoury (Danube University Krems)
  • Diana Ihring (IMPACT Initiative)
  • Evelyn Ersanilli (University of Amsterdam)
  • Hans Dietrich (Institute for Employment Research)
  • Heidrun Bohnet (Danube University Krems)
  • Jessica Hagen-Zanker (Overseas Development Institute)
  • Judith Kohlenberger (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
  • Laura Morales (Sciences Po Paris)
  • Lea Müller-Funk (Danube University Krems)
  • Mathias Czaika (Danube University Krems)
  • Meike Palinkas (International Centre for Migration Policy Development)
  • Mieke Maliepaard (Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC))
  • Roland Hosner (Flowminder)
  • Steffen Pötzschke (Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences)
  • Theoni Stathopoulou (National Centre for Social Research (EKKE))
  • Weam Ghabash (University of Amsterdam)



Finanzierung: Austrian Science Fund (FWF): V 823-G


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