
Linz based Krmpf Krmpf Studios have produced a ”stereonarrative” film, titled "merk|würdig,” in close collaboration with Danube University’s MA Program in Music for Applied Media engaging students to create sound design and music compositions for the movie. The project was presented at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz from 7.-12.9.2017.

Kudos to our students Manuel Brandtner, Richard Pleil, Ingo Budgweg, and Fionn Han who have done a fantastic job delivering sound design elements and music cues for the movie. Course director Miguel Kertsman has also contributed musical themes to the picture. As the MA program in Music for Applied Media student, Richard Pleil, states “Great to have this experience already in the first (program) year!“


Film director Alex Niederklapfer points out the potential of „Stereonarrativity” enabling two image streams (two distinct versions of the same film) to be utterly independent. As a result, one person and her / his neighbor will gain slightly different perspectives on the same film, while listening to the same soundtrack! Including dialog, sound design, and music.


“Stereonarrativity” compels those in the audience to interact and share their experiences – “why is my neighbor crying when this scene is so funny…” -- a basis for collective art consumption and human exchange, thus strengthening a key social aspect of cinema as an experience.

Here are some pictures and video testimonials from this momentous event and innovative interactive film project!


Ars Electronica 2017

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Dr. Martina Kalser-Gruber, MSc

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