Danube University Krems as coordinator of the EU project LaTFURE “Learning and Teaching Tools Fuelling University Relations with the Economy in Mozambique and South Africa” was very pleased to welcome 34 representatives from European and African partner institutions for a two-day kick-off meeting on 13 & 14 February 2017.
This meeting at DUK has provided an opportunity for African partners to gain insights into EU institutional frameworks supporting dual study programmes.
Following this event, the 22 representatives of the 11 African partners (including the Ministries of Higher Education in Mozambique and South Africa) went for a four-day study trip to Graz (FHJ) and to Stuttgart (DHBW). These two partners actively participate and contribute to system level associations for the development and promotion of dual study programmes.
LaTFURE aims and objectives
- LaTFURE aims to provide the systemic and institutional conditions for the establishment of dual studies as an integral part of South Africa and Mozambique’s higher education systems.
- The project aims to define legislative and policy frameworks at the system level, develop strategic, governance and operational policies, structures and mechanisms at the institutional level, and establish working prototypes of dual study programmes that can be used as learning models across the system.
- At least two dual study programmes in South Africa and two in Mozambique will be established in the fields of extractive industries and tourism that demonstrate proof-of-concept and provide working prototypes for systemic expansion.
- LaTFURE will make a significant step forward to include dual study programmes as an integral part of both countries’ higher education systems.
LaTFURE Consortium
Germany : CHE Gemeinnütziges Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung GmbH; Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) – Austria: Danube University Krems ; Fachhochschule Joanneum GmbH– Finland : University of Tampere – Mozambique : Universidade Eduardo Mondlane ; Lurio University; Zambeze University ; Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher Education and Vocational Training - South Africa : University of the Western Cape; Cape Peninsula University of Technology; School of Mining Engineering- University of Witwatersrand; University of Limpopo; University of Cape Town; University of Mpumalanga ; Department of Higher Education and Training.
The LaTFURE project is being funded by the “Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education” section of the EU Erasmus+ programme.