
The first transnational learning activity took place in Germany in the period 13-17 June 2017. The theme of the training was mainly focused on citizenship education.

Safer Places Hopeful Refugees - Training Berlin

The German partner with its large experience on this area organized many activities linked to European citizenship and different visits and meetings to show the situation of the inclusion of refugees in its country.
The participants had the possibility to;

  • learn values of transnational citizenship and the importance of human rights;
  • acquire a sense of individual and community responsibility;
  • understand the relations between individuals and society, citizens and government and citizenship and democratic life;
  • identify the responsibility of active citizenship in the international community.

The trainers from the host country used the methods of the 'Theatre of the Oppressed ' in which participants can better understand themselves, their communities and their world in terms of critical reflection, dialogue and the process of liberation. Several techniques such as icebreakings and games were used in the training event that was very well appreciated by all the participants.


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